Education. Literature. Awards.
Homestead Foundation
As an essential part of its mission to promote Literature of the West for the World®, WWA has formed the Homestead Foundation, which supports WWA’s educational and award-giving functions.
The Homestead Foundation enables WWA to educate Americans about the West in a variety of ways. It provides funding for the James Ersfeld Western Educational symposia, during which WWA members, experts in their fields, participate in panel discussions on the region’s history and literature, as well as on a wide range of other Western topics, past and present. Ersfeld symposia participants also present well-received seminars designed to help other writers with the business and craft of their profession.
The Homestead Foundation encourages young readers’ interest in the West by sponsoring programs in schools and libraries. The foundation’s latest initiative in education is its program, Packing the West, in which WWA members, armed with treasure chests full of books and artifacts, will visit classrooms to inspire students to explore their country’s rich and diverse history.
In supporting WWA’s Spur Awards, the organization’s literary awards competition, the Homestead Foundation promotes the best writing in eighteen different Western categories and helps it to reach readers of all ages. In these activities and more, the Homestead Foundation seeks to ensure that we, as Americans, will remember the sacrifices and struggles of those who came before us, and that as we honor the West of yesterday, we remain engaged in the West of today.
A charitable 501(c)3 organization, the Homestead Foundation welcomes contributions from all who love the American West and are keen to promote knowledge of its literature, history, and culture. Donations are tax deductible (check the details with your tax professional). We, the members of Western Writers of America, are grateful for any assistance you may choose to offer, and we thank you for your support.

The Homestead Foundation
PO Box 866
Emporia, KS 66801-0866
Our Board
President, Melody Groves
Secretary/Treasurer, Max McCoy
Johnny D. Boggs, Board Member
JoAnn Conner, Board Member
Debra Goodrich, Board Member
Mark Dunning, Board Member
Candy Moulton, Board Member
Stuart Rosebrook, Board Member
Bill Hill, Board Member
Our Sponsors
($10,000 and up)
Forge Books/Tom Doherty Associates
($5,000 – $9,999)
Rita & John Cleary
Kirk & Sheila Ellis
Chris Enss
Craig Johnson
Candy & Steve Moulton
Nancy Plain
($2,500 – $4,999)
Elizabeth Crook
Montana West
($1,000 – $2,499)
Johnny D. Boggs
Monty & Ann McCord
Old West Productions
The Hillerman Family
($500 – $999)
Kat & Larry J. Martin
Phil Mills
Lucia St. Clair Robson
Quackgrass Sally
Micki Milom