WWA Membership
Become a Member
Today we have more than 700 members, many of whom have garnered awards and made The New York Times best-sellers list.
Our benefits include:
- Our annual convention (June) brings members, publishers, editors, and agents together to transact business, renew friendships, attend panels, and participate in tours
- Spur Awards and banquet, where WWA honors the recipients of the organization’s coveted top awards (held at the convention)
- WWA actively helps its members market their work through attendance at trade shows, and aggressively promotes the literature of the American West
- WWA authors’ member-only online bookstore
- Star Speakers Bureau, where members can list their details for speaking at events
- Roundup magazine, where members books can be reviewed
- Inclusion in the Western Writers Hall of Fame Member Interactive at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West/McCracken Research Library
If you’re still not convinced whether WWA is right for you, think about this. We’re an inclusive, welcoming group whose members live all over the U.S., not to mention Canada, Europe, Asia, and South America. You’ll make friends, have fun, promote your work, and have the chance to hang out with some of the brightest people in the Western literature field.

What Our Members Are Saying
The opportunities to meet editors, writers, and publishers who can provide you with valuable contacts, leads on research, or markets for your writing are all good reasons to join and become involved in Western Writers of America. Then there is the chance to take part in marketing your skills and your work at industry trade shows, special event venues, and through online resources. For me, though, the best reason of all is that through WWA I’ve met my closest friends. The fact that I’ve been able to make the connections that enable me to write for a living and expand into new fields—such as film production—is a very good secondary reason to join WWA.
I joined WWA in 1989 because I felt the urge to mix with other writers, not just those who wrote narrative nonfiction history like I, but those who pursued careers in other genres. In particular, I wanted to get to know writers of fiction and profit by the interchange WWA afforded for such relationships. Of course, I also wanted a Spur, which I did win, along with a Wister Award for Lifetime Achievement. That was 1994, and I hope my lifetime is not nearly over. But the real value has been the friendship and professional exchanges with people whose goal, regardless of genre, was the same as mine—writing good readable prose.
When I joined the Western Writers of America in 1983 I had no idea what I was getting into. Yes, they provide useful and informative panels. Yes, I’ve met editors and publishers who have made my career possible. But here’s what I love most about WWA: the people. They’re smart, funny, supportive, knowledgeable, and passionate about our country’s history. The late-night conversations in the bar alone are worth the price of admission.
Taking a trip to my first WWA convention changed my life. I made that transatlantic journey hoping to persuade editors and agents to take a gamble on a series of novels I’d written. The WWA offered me the definitive moment every new writer hopes for: a meeting of people who all shared a passion for writing and the American West, and who were so generous with their encouragement, support and wide-ranging knowledge; and the chance to link with the most influential agents and publishers in the genre. Finding so many like-minded, supportive people gave me the confidence to successfully place my books. If it wasn’t for the WWA I wouldn’t have an agent or a publisher, but it’s the amazing people I met who I value most. I never imagined that I would forge so many wonderful friendships along the way.
When I joined WWA, I thought I might learn to improve my craft, hoped I could sell a few books, and figured I might make some friends. I never dreamed, though, how much I would learn, certainly I never expected the book sales that have come about, or, especially, the depth of those friendships. This business is highly competitive, and what constantly amazes me is how helpful writers in Western Writers of America are. I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of WWA.
I can say that in many ways, joining WWA changed my life. My interest in the West was intensified, my connection with western writings was amplified, and friendships which might never have developed gratified my sense of being.
I joined WWA after writing my first Western Historical Romance many years ago. I had always loved the West. I came from a family of cowboys and pioneers, and married a Western man, L. J. Martin, who also wrote novels of the West. It was with great joy that in joining WWA, we got to meet other Western writers and historians. We’ve met agents and editors, people who helped our career, but more importantly, we’ve made wonderful friends. If you love the West, joining WWA is a must for writers.
Membership Levels and Requirements
Active membership in the Western Writers of America, Inc., may be granted to authors who derive their livelihood, in whole or in part, from the writing of books, stories, articles, screenplays, or teleplays pertaining to the traditions, legends, development, customs, manners, or history of the American West, or early frontier, if published or produced without financial assistance of the author. An applicant must have written at least three (3) published books or at least 20 short stories, articles, or poems or three (3) screenplays or nine (9) teleplays. At least one-third of such published/produced work must pertain to the American West, or early frontier. Annual dues are $75.
Publication of a one (1) book about the West or at least five (5) short stories, articles, or poems or one (1) screenplay or three (3) teleplays will qualify you for Associate membership. Such works may be produced with or without financial assistance of the author. You may also be eligible for an Associate membership if you currently are participating in one of the following occupations, and if your work substantially concerns the West: publisher, editor, bookseller, literary agent, literary reviewer, librarian, film or television producer or director, artist or illustrator. Associate members have all the rights of Active members, save that only Actives can vote for WWA officers or on proposals to amend the constitution and bylaws. At least one-third of such published/produced work must pertain to the American West, or early frontier. Annual dues are $75.
Individuals living in any country other than the United States may apply at either the Active or Associate levels. Dues for international members are $90. Any international member who joins at the Sustaining or Patron level pays the general membership for those two levels.
Any Active or Associate member who wishes to contribute further support to the WWA may become a Sustaining member by paying annual dues of $150. Sustaining members retain all rights and privileges of their Active or Associate status.
Companies, corporations, organizations and individuals with a vested interest in the literature and heritage of the American West may become Patron members by paying annual dues of $250. Eligible organizations include but are not limited to publishing houses, presses, libraries, museums, and wholesale and retail booksellers. Active and Associate members of the WWA who choose to become Patron members retain all rights and privileges associated with their professional membership status.