Packing the West

Packing the West is a reading and educational enrichment program designed to inspire in students a curiosity about the history of the American West, an appreciation of its literature, and the desire to understand society at the time, and how it relates to today. One part of the project is a series of educational videos that will teach students about the importance of key events that occurred as the nation expanded westward.

Packing the West documentaries will introduce students to the stories of the men, women, and children who journeyed, or lived, beyond the Mississippi and share tales of how the various cultures, religions, and ethnicity melded together to form a large part of America.

These films are structured around four major themes: Western Trails, Western Legends & Characters, Women of the West, and American Indians. Four films have been completed and are now available for classroom use. View the project here: Packing the West

For more information about these specific films contact Western Writers of America. Contact WWA