2018 Winners
Best Western Historical Novel
Winner:The Coming, by David Osborneand published by Bloomsbury USA
Finalists:Moon Hunt: People of Cahokia, by W. Michael and Kathleen O’Neal Gearand published by Forge
Finalists:Copper Sky, by Milana Marsenichand published by Open Books
Best Western Contemporary Novel
Winner:Double Wide, by Leo W. Banksand published by Brash Books
Finalists:Murder on the Red River, by Marcie R. Rendonand published by Cinco Puntos Press
Winner:The Stone Place, by Randy Lee Eickhoffand published by Cane Hollow Press
Best Western Mass Market Paperback Novel
Winner:Hell Hath No Fury: A John Hawk Western, by Charles G. Westand published by Pinnacle/Kensington
Finalists:Valley of Bones: A Byrnes Family Ranch Western, by Dusty Richardsand published by Pinnacle/Kensington
Finalists:Buzzard Bait: A Widowmaker Jones Western, by Brett Cogburnand published by Pinnacle/Kensington
Best Western Romance Novel
Winner:The Promise Bride, by Gina Welborn and Becca Whithamand published by Zebra Books
Finalists:Courting Carrie in Wonderland, by Carla Kellyand published by Sweetwater Books/Cedar Fort Publishing
Finalists:Willene: Jewel Of The West, by Sally Harper Batesand published by Self-Published
Best Western Traditional Novel
Winner:Silver City: A Novel of the American West, by Jeff Guinnand published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons
Finalists:Slate Creek: Journey to the White Clouds, by Wallace J. Swensonand published by Five Star Publishing
Finalists:Huck Out West: A Novel, by Robert Cooverand published by W. W. Norton
Best Western Biography
Winner:Frank Little and the IWW: The Blood That Stained an American Family, by Jane Little Botkinand published by University of Oklahoma Press
Finalists:Tom Jeffords, Friend of Cochise, by Doug Hockingand published by TwoDot
Finalists:Tejano Tiger: José de los Santos Benavides and the Texas-Mexico Borderlands, 1823-1891, by Jerry Thompsonand published by TCU Press
Best Western Contemporary Nonfiction
Winner:A Land Apart: The Southwest and the Nation in the Twentieth Century, by Flannery Burkeand published by University of Arizona Press
Finalists:Behind the Carbon Curtain: The Energy Industry, Political Censorship, and Free Speech, by Jeffrey A. Lockwoodand published by University of New Mexico Press
Finalists:Lakota Performers in Europe: Their Culture and the Artifacts They Left Behind, by Steve Friesen with Francois Chladiukand published by University of Oklahoma Press
Best Western Historical Nonfiction
Winner:Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI, by David Grannand published by Doubleday
Finalists:Cattle Kingdom: The Hidden History of the Cowboy West, by Christopher Knowltonand published by An Eamon Dolan Book/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Finalists:Provisions of the Fur Trade: The Encyclopedia of Trade Goods, Vol. 6, by James A. Hansonand published by Museum of the Fur Trade
Best Western Juvenile Fiction
Winner:Stranded: A Story of Frontier Survival, by Matthew P. Mayoand published by Five Star Publishing
Finalists:Viva, Rose!, by Susan Krawitzand published by Holiday House
Finalists:Katrine: High Valley Home, by Joseph Dorrisand published by iUniverse
Best Western Juvenile Nonfiction
Winner:Glorious Fourth of July and Other Stories from the Plains, by Mary Gibson Spragueand published by South Dakota Historical Society Press
Finalists:The True Story of Jim the Wonder Dog, by Marty Rhodes Figleyand published by The RoadRunner Press
Finalists:Lotta Crabtree: Gold Rush Fairy Star, by Lois V. Harrisand published by Pelican Publishing Co.
Finalists:Bold Women in Montana History, by Beth Judyand published by Mountain Press Publishing Co.
Best Western Storyteller
Winner:Fergus and the Greener Grass, by Jean Abernethyand published by Trafalgar Square Books
Finalists:Lexie the Word Wrangler, by author Rebecca Van Slyke and illustrator Jessie Hartlandand published by Nancy Paulsen Books/Penguin Young Readers
Finalists:Abraham, by author Frank Keating and illustrator Mike Wimmerand published by A Paula Wiseman Book/Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Best Western Short Fiction
Winner:“Lost and Found: A Short Story”, by Rod Millerand published by Saddlebag Dispatches
Finalists:“Point Blank, Texas”, by Larry D. Sweazyand published by Wildside Press
Finalists:“The San Angela Stump Match of 1876”, by Johnny D. Boggsand published by Permian Basin Bookies
Best Western Short Nonfiction
Winner:“States of Decay: A Journey Through America’s Nuclear Heartland”, by Ben Maukand published by Harper’s Magazine
Finalists:“The Great Western”, by Paul Andrew Huttonand published by True West
Finalists:“All-American Indian Days and the Miss Indian America Pageant”, by Gregory Nickersonand published by Montana: The Magazine of Western History
Best Western Poem
Winner:“She Saddles Her Own Horse”, by Marleen Bussmaand published by Self-Published
Finalists:“Lookin’ Back”, by Jim Loganand published by Oklahoma Today
Finalists:“The Knowing”, by Rod Millerand published by Saddlebag Dispatches
Best Western Song
Winner:“The Pitchfork Grays”, by Jean Prescott and Darrell Arnoldand published by Line Camp Music
Finalists:“Alchesay”, by Doug Figgsand published by Slash D C Music
Finalists:“The Ridge”, by Jean Prescottand published by Line Camp Music
Best Western Drama Script
Winner:Wind River, by Taylor Sheridanand published by Acacia Filmed Entertainment/Film 44/Savvy Media/Media Holding
Finalists:Godless (Episode 1), by Scott Frankand published by Netflix
Best Western Documentary Script
Winner:Down the Fence, by MJ Isakson and Eric Frithand published by Down the Fence Films
Best First Western Novel
Winner:Double Wide, by Leo W. Banksand published by Brash Books
Best First Western Nonfiction Book
Winner:Frank Little and the IWW: The Blood That Stained an American Family, by Jane Little Botkinand published by University of Oklahoma Press