2021 Winners
Best Western Historical Novel
Winner:All Things Left Wild, by James Wadeand published by Blackstone Publishing
Finalists:Follow the Angels Follow the Doves, by Sidney Thompsonand published by University of Nebraska Press
Finalists:Stardust Trail, by J. R. Sandersand published by Historian Publishing
Best Western Contemporary Novel
Winner:Winter Counts, by David Heska Wanbli Weidenand published by Ecco, HarperCollins
Finalists:King of Taos, by Max Evansand published by University of New Mexico Press
Finalists:The Resurrection of Fulgencio Ramirez, by Rudy Ruizand published by Blackstone Publishing
Best Western Mass Market Paperback Novel
Winner:A Thousand Texas Longhorns, by Johnny D. Boggsand published by Pinnacle/Kensington
Finalists:Gunpowder Express, by Brett Cogburnand published by Pinnacle/Kensington
Finalists:Beyond the Goodnight Trail, by Roy V. Gastonand published by KDP
Best Western Romance Novel
Winner:Midnight’s Whisperer, by Tom Loweand published by Kingsbridge Entertainment
Finalists:The Valley of Deision, by Major Mitchelland published by Shalako Press
Finalists:Forever Hidden, by Tracie Peterson & Kimberley Woodhouseand published by Bethany House
Best Western Traditional Novel
Winner:Like Rum Drunk Angels, by Tyler Enfieldand published by Goose Lane
Finalists:All Gods Children, by Aaron Gwynand published by Europa Editions
Finalists:The Fortunes and Vicissitudes of Stern Whitman, by Derek Burnettand published by Five Star Publishing
Best Western Biography
Winner:Tecumseh and the Prophet, by Peter Cozzensand published by Alfred A. Knopf
Finalists:An Honest Enemy, by Paul Magidand published by University of Oklahoma Press
Finalists:Race and the Wild West, by Laura J. Arataand published by University of Oklahoma Press
Best Western Historical Nonfiction
Winner:The Last Sovereigns, by Robert M. Utleyand published by University of Nebraska Press
Finalists:Beneath the Backbone of the World, by Ryan Halland published by University of North Carolina Press
Finalists:South to Freedom, by Alice L. Baumgartnerand published by Basic Books
Best Western Contemporary Nonfiction
Winner:Billionaire Wilderness, by Hustin Farrelland published by Princeton University Press
Finalists:Cheatgrass dreams, by Theodore Waddelland published by Sweetgrass Books
Finalists:My Flint Hills, by Jim Hoyand published by University Press of Kansas
Finalists:Half Broke, by Ginger Gaffneyand published by W. W. Norton and Company
Best Western Short Nonfiction
Winner:Daniel Boone’s Life in the Far West: An Inquiry into his Alleged Yellowstone Hunt, by Ted Franklin Belueand published by Muzzleloader Magazine
Finalists:Who Killed Crazy Horse, by Paul L. Hedrenand published by Nebraska History Magazine
Finalists:Shakespeare in the Frontier and Territorial Montana, by Gretchen Mintonand published by Montana The Magazine of Western History
Best Western Short Fiction
Winner:Belthanger, by Kevin Wolfand published by Western Fictioneers
Finalists:Father Goose, by Jodi Thomasand published by Kensington
Finalists:Statues, by Allen Morris Jonesand published by Montana Quarterly
Best Western Storyteller
Winner:Run Cow Run, by Cami Carlson & Greg Whiteand published by KDP
Finalists:Bandit the Cow Dog, by Phil Mills Jr & Victor Mojicaand published by Mascot Books, Inc.
Finalists:Bolo the Brave, by Jim Jones & Kamee Youngand published by KDP
Best Western Juvenile Fiction
Winner:Dilly, by Matthew P. Mayoand published by Five Star Publishing
Finalists:Silverbelly, by S. J. Dahlstromand published by Paul Dry Books
Finalists:City of Gold, by Will Hobbsand published by HarperCollins
Best Western Poem
Winner:Baptism, by Patricia Frolanderand published by High Plains Press
Finalists:25 Bears, by Marc Beaudinand published by Riverfleet Press
Finalists:Saddling, by Betty Lynne McCarthyand published by Page Printing
Best Western Song
Winner:Don’t Say Goodbye to the Cowboy Way, by Randy Huston & Jim Jonesand published by Dr. Vet Music/East Mountain Music
Finalists:El Caballo del Fuego, by Doug Figgs, Floyd Beard & Miriam Funkeand published by East Mountain Music
Best Western Documentary Script
Winner:Charlie Russell’s Old West, by Gus Chambers & Paul Zalisand published by Montana PBS
Finalists:Today’s Wild West Episode 307, by Mark Bedorand published by KVCR PBS San Bernardino
Best First Western Novel
Winner:Winter Counts, by David Heska Wanbli Weidenand published by Ecco, HarperCollins
Best First Western Nonfiction Book
Winner:Race and the Wild West, by Laura J. Arataand published by University of Oklahoma Press