2022 Winners
Best Western Historical Novel
Winner:Ridgeline, by Michael Punkeand published by Henry Holt & Company
Finalists:The Last Comanche Warrior, by James D. Crownoverand published by Five Star Publishing
Finalists:The Healing of Natalie Curtis, by Jane Kirkpatrickand published by Revell/Baker Publishing
Best Western Contemporary Novel
Winner:Dark Sky: A Joe Pickett Novel, by C.J. Boxand published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons
Finalists:A Particular Madness, by Sheldon Russelland published by Cennan Books of Cynren Press
Finalists:Dissolution: The Wyoming Chronicles: Book One, by W. Michael Gearand published by Wolfpack Publishing
Best Western Mass Market Paperback Novel
Winner:This Side of Hell: A Widowmaker Jones Western, by Brett Cogburnand published by Pinnacle/Kensington
Finalists:The Too-Late Trail, by Matthew P. Mayoand published by Berkley
Finalists:Lost Mountain Pass, by Larry D. Sweazyand published by Pinnacle/Kensington Publishing
Best Western Romance Novel
Winner:Imperfect Promise, by Susanna Laneand published by Five Star Publishing
Finalists:The Transformation of Chastity James, by Kathleen Morrisand published by Five Star Publishing
Finalists:Madame’s Daughter, by C.K. Criggerand published by Wolfpack Publishing
Finalists:Land of Heroes, by Dorothy Wileyand published by Independently Published
Best Western Traditional Novel
Winner:The Loving Wrath of Eldon Quint, by Chase Plettsand published by Inkshares
Finalists:Deputized, by T.L. Davisand published by Five Star Publishing
Finalists:The Comanche Kid, by James Robert Danielsand published by Cutting Edge Books
Best Western Biography
Winner:The Forgotten Botanist: Sara Plummer Lemmon’s Life of Science and Art, by Wynne Brownand published by Bison Books
Finalists:Cockeyed Happy: Ernest Hemingway’s Wyoming Summers with Pauline, by Darla Wordenand published by Chicago Review Press
Finalists:Jim Bridger: Trailblazer of the American West, by Jerry Enzlerand published by University of Oklahoma Press
Best Western Historical Nonfiction
Winner:Cheyenne Summer: The Battle of Beecher Island: A History, by Terry Mortand published by Pegasus Books
Finalists:War on the Border: Villa, Pershing, The Texas Rangers, and an American Invasion, by Jeff Guinnand published by Simon & Schuster
Finalists:Iron Women: The Ladies Who Helped Build the Railroad, by Chris Enssand published by TwoDot
Best Western Contemporary Nonfiction
Winner:Defending the Arctic Refuge: A Photographer, an Indigenous Nation, and a Fight for Environmental Justice, by Finis Dunawayand published by The University of North Carolina Press
Finalists:Making Circles: The Memoir of a Cowboy Journalist, by Barney Nelsonand published by University of Oklahoma Press
Finalists:Brothers on Three: A True Story of Family, Resistance, and Hope on a Reservation in Montana, by Abe Streepand published by Celadon Books
Best Western Short Nonfiction
Winner:The Right Man to Do a Wrong Thing: Charlie Thex, the Bear Creek Sheep Raid, and the Primacy of Fear, by Shane Dunningand published by Montana The Magazine of Western History
Finalists:C.E. Lively: The Man Who Started a War, by R.G. Yohoand published by Goldenseal
Finalists:Ella Mad Plume Yellow Wolf: Photographs by a Native American Woman in the Early 1940s, by Rosalyn LaPierand published by Montana The Magazine of Western History
Best Western Short Fiction
Winner:Skin, by David Heska Wanbli Weidenand published by Crooked Lane Books
Finalists:The Ferry and the Road, by Lawrence Coatesand published by Story Magazine, Spring 2021
Finalists:Coming Clean, by Leslie Budewitzand published by Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine
Best Western Children’s Picture Book
Winner:Charlie Russell and the Gnomes of Bull Head Lodge, by Emily Crawford Wilson & illustrator Jeanne Bowmanand published by South Dakota Historical Society Press
Finalists:Come ’n Git It! Cookie and His Cowboy Chuck Wagon, by Jennifer Coleman & illustrator Julie Dupré Bucknerand published by Pelican Publishing
Finalists:Montana’s Memory Day: A Nature-Themed Foster/Adoption Story, by Sue Lawrence & illustrator Erika Wilsonand published by Mascot Books
Best Western Juvenile Fiction
Winner:Cow Boyhood: The Adventures of Wilder Good, #7, by S.J. Dahlstromand published by Paul Dry Books
Finalists:Maddie McDowell and the Rodeo Robbery, by LuAnn M. Rodand published by Chicken Scratch Books
Finalists:Bats, Bandits & Buggies: A Ruby and Maude Adventure, by Nancy Oswaldand published by Burro Books
Best Western Juvenile Nonfiction
Winner:Montana History for Kids in 50 Objects: With 50 Fun Activities!, by Steph Lehmannand published by Farcountry Press
Best Western Poem
Winner:Cimarron Herd, by Karla K. Mortonand published by Texas Review Press
Finalists:Awinita (Cherokee – b. 1878), by Linda Neal Reisingand published by Kelsay Books
Finalists:She Thought About Montana, by Betty Lynne McCarthyand published by Sunlit Silver Bit Publishing
Best Western Song
Winner:You Oughta See Wyoming, by Micki Fuhrmanand published by MyMyMy Music
Finalists:What a Moon, by Micki Fuhrmanand published by MyMyMy Music
Finalists:Yellow Horse, by Doug Figgsand published by Slash DC Music
Best Western Drama Script
Winner:Last Shoot Out, by Lee Martinand published by Feifer Worldwide
Best First Western Novel
Winner:The Loving Wrath of Eldon Quint, by Chase Plettsand published by Inkshares
Best First Western Nonfiction Book
Winner:Public Waters: Lessons from Wyoming for the American West, by Anne MacKinnonand published by University of New Mexico Press